Books and texts

The trad and beauty of Ikebana ENSHIU
Appearing 120 works by theselected artists at the Ikebana exhibition in Kyoto cultural museam in 2002 Classic-shouka,shourikka,gendaishouka,morden free style.....
「HANA(flower) ZIZAI」 AB p104 fullcoloor
photoglaphy of flower art by Ichiju Ashida.
mixture of trad and modern by artistic imagination.
Kadouenshu textbook (biginers) B5 p128 full collor
This textbook is just for biginers.
Presenting the first steps for make morden&classic style of Ikebana.


100selected artists works

「School's arrangements for 21st century」 A4 p128 full collor

Appearing 100 works by theselected artists at the Ikebana exhibition in Kyoto cultural museam in 1999 Classic shouka,shourikka,gendaishouka,morden free style.....

Ikebana tools

Classic Ikebana Enshiu Shears

The original ikebana-enshiu style shear. The most popular and most frequently used ikebana tool in the world. Good for most cuts that you'll want to make. Available original ENSHIU rogo mark with your name or initial. The professional and Master's grade shears have a dark finish like the heavy duty ikebana shear below.

2" blades, 6.5" overall Professional $38.00

Classic flower vessel "mitsuashi<three legs>"

Vases intended for elaborate Enshiu ikebanas are always necessarily of the wide-mouthed kind for set "Yagen" the original flower fastener to ensure an appearence of stability at the base of flower stems.

bronze, from biginer to pro


Original flower fastner"Yagen" for classic ikebana
A=triple fastner  B=5lines fstner
cut its length for vases

Yagen is used for crashing oriental medicine by 180 years ago in Japan.

made of wood, use for Enshiu classic style of ikebana, instead of kensan

A=$15,00    B=$18,00

Shigaraki vases and suibans are among the most famous and unique in the world. Shigaraki refers to a district in Japan that is known for its distinctive clay. It has been a well-known center for ceramic art since the 8th century and is the home of numerous small factories and master artisans. Because Shigaraki clay is especially well suited for tall shapes, it makes excellent vases and pots.
To get started you need at least one moribana suiban (ikebana vase), one or two kenzans (pins or frogs) and a good ikebana book. Ikebana requires special skill to get artistic moribana started and can be a source of great enjoyment and relaxation.
All copy right 2000-2008
IKEBANA kadou-enshiu head office
tel=075-723-5758 fax=075-711-7777
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